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No need to register to share your comment,or thoughts regarding the missing child cases below.We need involvement,we need your input..These missing kids need your your help.So please take the time to help search for missing children...So Get Involved!!

Volunteers For Missing Children

Please join our missing childrens facebook page.We need more volunteers for missing children on facebook.
All you have to do is join,and share with your friends,our daily missing children poster..THAT'S IT!!


Friday, January 18, 2013

Best Way To Help Find Missing Children

I wanted to take a few moments to share with our readers here,the best way to help find missing children using social networking sites.

The best way is to stick to our area,and the community..and keep it within a 5 state area at most,when spreading the word of a missing child,unless facts come in to say other wise.

We can't flood our friends list continuously with children missing from all over the country.

Having a few friends who sponsor an area,joining the cause...does far more better than a face book page spreading a poster around the world.

I know this sounds cruel,but so many of us have burnt out the average friend on a social network flooding them with children missing from half way across the country.

Some of those who help find missing kids using a social network site...go way overboard,that those who are on the same quest are overwhelmed,and it's friendslist,of friendslist flooding another.

Then you get a person who supports the cause,who joins a facebook page that its sole intention is to help find missing children,only to get so flooded out from joining it...due to the fact their facebook page ends up being a never ending flood from missing children,every runaway,and cold case to take place in the country.

The best way to help find missing children using social networking is to stick to your area at the start,and go by the facts that come in,if you feel you need to spread the word farther.

Use the same common sense law enforcement does...

We can't flood their mind with images of 50 + a day while on their shift,then 50 more while on their lunch break.

That's to much to digest!!

We have to start organizing on the social networking sites by state,and county!!!

We need more to be involved,not us trying to be an authority ourselves being the light.

I've seen more private friends post a child missing in the area,that spreads around alot more faster...than those who spend all day posting posters.

Involvement......Involvement....Those who dedicate the time to their state,or county...and go by their facebook friends...Not the madness of blindly trying to make a difference.


  1. There are many ways to find missing children but its not an assurance that you will found them like reporting on the authorities, broadcast in TV and radio, Newspaper, also int the latest Social media like Facebook, twitter and many others. finds and rescues

  2. If you need to remotely hack a cell phone, track a specific location, or find a missing person unethically, contact
    It’s strictly confidential
